Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thing 1

OK, my first posting.
UGH, UGH, UGH, spent waaaaaaaay too much time creating that Avatar. Thanks to JD for sucking me into this entire thing. However, I guess I'm glad I've jumped on board the 23 Thangs thingy. Will keep me up to speed with a lot of stuff that I probably need to know (even if I don't want to know). It won't be long before my two kiddos are way ahead of me in the tech area and I don't want to look like the loser mom (nor do I want to look like the loser librarian to a bunch of 11 and 12 year olds). One step at a time, eh? Don't know when I'll have time to work on this, what with desk schedule, selection (CDs are lurking in my rearview mirror), stortyime prep, weeding, mending, &etc. Ahh, a children's librarian's life is never a dull one ...

Other things about today :
Ben went home "sick" from daycare with an upset stomach (then "changed his mind", grrr...)

Daniel has been referred to a pediatric urologist. Poor guy, but he seems totally OK with the entire thing.
Is it really Ben's birthday next week? ACK!!! Must ... go ... shopping ... for ... toys ...
And finally ... (drum roll, please) tonight A.I. begins in earnest. Woo-hoo!


~jd said...

hoo-ray on your first post :) And no worries...I've messed with my avatar 3 times so far at least :) Love the one you came up with!

Ann W. said...

YAY! You're on board too! What's going on with Daniel though? We can talk on Monday. See you then!

Anonymous said...

Nice avatar, but can't you get your husband to pick up those toys?!